The Kindergarten Project
We have continued to register a slow but steady growth. We have been searching and trying to develop projects that would make Peace Africa Children financially sustainable. I am glad to report that we are moving very well in this direction so far. We envision the future to be much better than today financially.
The Nursery School Project will officially start in the next academic year. As I explained in the previous report, we had an opportunity to buy off a property just next to ours. The neighbor realised what we were doing and decided to sell her property to us in small installments as she wanted to move another place herself. The property is a three roomed house, but covering and impressively good space that could be used to expand the Kindergarten. We have been occupied and toiling to pay these instalments, which slowed down the pace for construction. Although there has been no major construction works on this project in the early months of this year, we are soon completing the payment. We need only about €3500 to complete this payment.
The house being part of the extension of the project, it will be renovated in due course to accommodate key persons in the management of the Kindergarten, create more space for playing, the canteen, and the kitchen.
Now that we have paid off more than ¾ of the cost, we are giving specific attention to the completion of the whole project and its subsequent opening on the 1st of January 2029. We had envisioned the Kindergarten to open in June 2019, but due to the urgency of securing this block, we had to change programs, as we could not handle both at the same time. Mzee is working tirelessly even when he is terribly busy with school to secure more funding for this construction and to furnish this kindergarten. For this reason therefore, we dedicated close to 90% of the workshop funds to go to this project.
Meet the Children on Tour

Peace Africa is on Tour every year. The children share cultures and change fellow children’s lives through the Arts! Please look up our Performance Tour Program for the 2012.